Personalized Performance Diagnostics


Know your limits and go beyond them!

Whether your goal is to lose weight or gain optimal muscle mass, our Performance and Metabolism Diagnostics Center will help you achieve it with a high quality and comprehensive approach using specialized methods.

Performance and metabolism analysis based on personalized spiro-ergometry helps to determine the right intensity and amount of training and optimal nutrition.

Performance diagnostics

  • We accurately determine your heart rate ranges for fat burning or performance enhancement
  • We show you how to increase your power output and determine your anaerobic threshold, where your muscles start to acidify
  • We determine your maximum oxygen intake, i.e., your maximum power output, your personal recovery capacity, and your heart rate range for fat and carbohydrate consumption

Who is this for?

Many people think that performance diagnostic tests are only worth doing for elite athletes. But this is not true. Optimizing performance and setting the right training regime can be important for anyone with a goal in sports. Whether it’s winning Olympic gold or running a half marathon.

Performance diagnostics when starting to play sports and measuring the effectiveness of training is just as important as choosing the right sports clothing and equipment.

Book an appointment for performance diagnostics

Whether your goal is to lose weight or gain optimal muscle mass, our Performance and Metabolism Diagnostics Center will help you achieve it with a high quality and comprehensive approach using specialized methods.
Book an appointment


What does performance diagnostics show?

Performance diagnostics shows the fitness level at the time the test is taken. It can be used as a benchmark by comparing the results of athletes playing similar sports and with similar parameters, meaning the athlete’s level, age, weight, etc. This comparison will give the athlete an idea of their own fitness level and help them to set training goals.

This way, the goals can be realistic and achievable, and the results can be measured back, so that the athlete can be sure that they have achieved it.

With performance diagnostics, we can measure the heart rate at which your metabolism changes, i.e., how long you consume oxygen (aerobic zone) and where you create a so-called oxygen debt, i.e., above what heart rate/performance level you enter the so-called anaerobic zone. We can further divide each zone to determine the heart rate threshold where we should train or compete, to get the best performance out of ourselves.

Our Prices

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